Saturday, January 12, 2008

What the F?

Seriously Tony. this isn't cool.


Anonymous said...

I am not your friend Tony...I am a freakin plush toy! We don't need therapy...YOU need therapy. You are almost 30 years old and fondle a toy that a 8 year old should be playing with.

Thank you,
Mr. McLean

Quit molesting me when I try to sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that this toy was a 'special gift' to Tony from the Neverland ranch?

Anonymous said...

Hey now, the Goomba is cool. Lets leave the Goomba And Tony alone.

Who is the real Bill Braski? Is he a StormTrack member?

Anonymous said...

Bill Brasky is Bill Brasky, haven't you heard of him.

Who let this guy in is he new?

Anonymous said...

Bill Braski...Bill Brasky...hmmmm oh isnt he that gay cross dresser that Eddy Murphy tried to pick up?
Ya thats him, turning tricks in the alley for a dollar.

Anonymous said...

Ok Terry Tyler, I've seen you on StormTrack before, you're a member. Who is the one posting this blog? He's gotta be a member too. And shame on you for insulting other members behind their back. Man up and come forward

Anonymous said...

"And shame on you for insulting other members behind their back. Man up and come forward"

Brazenly posted under the "real name" of st4life.

Who put the quarter in you anyway? We all know a sense of humor isn't allowed at stormtrack anyway

WTF difference does it make whos posting it? The shit is damn funny and some of this shit needed to be said on stormtrack if it wasn't locked down like nazi germany over there half the dumbasses in chasing would have their egos kept in check. Maybe a little ego adjusting going on here tho

Anonymous said...

Is this what goomba did before he was storm chasing??

Anonymous said...


Funny you should say the comment about nazi germany...

Didn't the admin of Stormtrack just post a video of the german leader a while back... maybe thats how he aspires to run the ST "empire"?

Anonymous said...

See the following link for a heartbreaking story of a struggling ~30 year old junior-college pizza delivery boy and "his lady" living in squalor and milking their cats for their sustenance. Sadly, his friends left to pursue their post-collegiate careers as he and his lady battle the apartment management and ant infestations. I wonder if Bill Brasky could provide a better situation for a "lady".